5 Reasons Why Homeowners and Renters Should Have Insurance Protection for Dog Bite Accidents

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Sharing your home or rented space with your dog can be a joyful experience that provides valuable and loving companionship. However, owning a pet is a major responsibility. While you may have a well-behaved and well-trained dog, you never know when they may feel threatened and bite someone. Therefore, it is essential to have insurance protection for dog bites as a homeowner or renter. Even if your homeowners’ or renters’ insurance includes liability coverage, your policy may fall short of covering injuries after a dog bite accident or exclude your dog’s breed. 

With the limitations of homeowners’ and renters’ liability coverage, you may choose to get supplementary dog bite protection or an umbrella policy, which is secondary coverage you can get on top of your homeowners’ or renters’ insurance for extra financial protection. In addition to protecting you against dog bite accidents, an umbrella policy covers other costs and damages unrelated to pets. This more comprehensive coverage provides extra protection, breed inclusion, and peace of mind while helping you avoid out-of-pocket expenses.

At Jassim Law, we understand insurance can be confusing, so we are here to answer your questions and explain the benefits of dog bite insurance protection for homeowners and renters. With over 20 years of experience handling high-value, complicated injury matters and a commitment to keeping California communities safer, you can trust us to give you the information you need to make the best decisions for your future. 

Why Should Homeowners and Renters Have Dog Bite Insurance Protection?

If you own a home or rent your living space, your homeowners’ or renters’ insurance may have liability coverage that includes dog bites. However, these policies often exclude several breeds or have insufficient coverage for dog bite accident damages. Therefore, getting additional dog bite insurance protections provides the following benefits:

Extra Layer of Protection

California has strict liability for dog bites, meaning owners are responsible for injuries their dog causes, regardless of the dog’s history. With this law and most homeowners’ and renters’ insurance falling short of covering dog bite accidents, having additional protection in the form of dog bite insurance or an umbrella policy provides extra coverage for bites that occur on and off your property.

Comprehensive Coverage

Injuries from a dog bite accident can be serious and require costly treatment. With homeowners’ and renters’ insurance often having low bodily injury limits, additional protection provides more comprehensive coverage for the full scope of the injured individual’s damages.

Avoid Out-of-Pocket Costs

Homeowners’ and renters’ insurance often has limited liability coverage, which may leave you responsible for paying the rest of the cost yourself. With the comprehensive coverage dog bite insurance protection provides, you can avoid paying out-of-pocket costs for dog bite injuries and damages. 

Breed Inclusion

While there is clear evidence that a dog’s breed or size does not indicate its aggressiveness or behavior, many homeowners and renters insurance exclude certain breeds due to a higher risk of aggression. Commonly excluded breeds include the following:

  • Pitbulls
  • German Shepherds
  • Rottweilers
  • Siberian Huskies
  • Akitas
  • Dobermans
  • Great Danes
  • Mastiffs

Exotic animals, such as birds, rabbits, and snakes, are often not covered under standard insurance policies, either.  However, with dog bite insurance or an umbrella policy, you can protect yourself and your pet.

Peace of Mind

In addition to giving you sufficient and reliable protection, dog bite insurance or an umbrella policy gives you peace of mind when taking your dog on walks or when they are around people. The wise decision to get a policy tailored to your and your pet’s needs ensures you are covered during unexpected events, including dog bite accidents.

Seek Guidance from an Experienced California Dog Bite Accident Lawyer at Jassim Law Today

If you own a pet, it is crucial to understand your insurance policy regarding dog bites, as homeowners’ and renters’ insurance may not cover your dog’s breed or have adequate coverage in the event of an accident. At Jassim Law, our knowledgeable lawyers are here to help you better understand your policy so you can protect yourself and your pet and avoid paying out-of-pocket to cover injuries. Just read our countless client reviews. With our proven track record and decades of experience, you can feel confident and supported when working with us.

Attorney Pajman Jassim has practiced law for over 17 years, earning a top 10.00 Avvo rating due to his dedication to clients and keeping California communities safe. To learn more about dog bite insurance in California, call us at (619) 630-2680 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation.